Buku Kimia SMA/MA ini disusun dengan mengacu pada Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini menyajikan pendekatan pembelajaran kimia yang sederhana, berjenjang, dan berurutan, tanpa mengurangi konsep-konsep kimia dasar yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat menanamkan pemahaman ilmu kimia secara menyeluruh.
Our workbooks work really hard to help link school and home learning and these three new titles will develop more core skills at Key Stage 2. In response to demands to expand the range of our hugely successful workbooks, we have now extended both the age-range and subject areas covered to focus on modern foreign languages and science. Within the newly proposed National Curriculum framework, lea…
This fun, colourful series follows the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum to help strengthen your child's knowledge and understanding of key literary skills at home. This book simply guides your child through each subject, with clear explanations and plenty of practice. · Examples to demonstrate each topic · Step-by-step activities to progress ability · Colourful , fun illustrations to engage y…
Dewa angin, awan, dan hujan berhasil menangkap Heukkebi dengan bantuan cuaca. Ternyata planet Heukkebi hancur akibat perubahan iklim. Maka, Sunny memutuskan untuk membantu menghentikan perubahan iklim yang terjadi di planet mereka, yaitu Bumi.
This book is in very good condition and will be shipped within 24 hours of ordering. The cover may have some limited signs of wear but the pages are clean, intact and the spine remains undamaged. This book has clearly been well maintained and looked after thus far.
Scientists have discovered more than a million different species of insects that every day, in every part of the world, live their very diverse lives. Many fly, others walk or bore through wood. Some are pleasing to the eye, like butterflies; others, like cockroaches, a bit less. For the most part, insects are small - sometimes so small that you need a magnifying lens to see them - and that is …
Reinforce key numeracy skills with this interactive pull the tab book. Easy to use and filled with exciting designs, its the perfect tool for practising multiplication and problem solving. This clever book is packed with maths challenges which encourage repetition and enhance numerical reasoning. Watch your mathematician grow in confidence. Learning times tables has never been so fun!
Andai sel-sel dalam tubuh bisa bicara, telinga kita pasti pengang akan segala kegaduhan dan perang yang terjadi di dalam. Untung saja mereka bekerja keras dalam senyap, sekuat tenaga membuat kita tetap hidup. Walau begitu, terkadang mereka memberi sinyal bahkan red flags jika ada sesuatu yang tak beres. Apakah kamu menyadari itu, atau justru sering abai?
Tahukah kamu ikan apa yang bertelur paling banyak? Ternyata ada hewan yang pandai bersandiwara untuk kabur dari musuh atau menarik mangsanya. Bagaimana semut saling berkomunikasi? Hewan apa yang mencuci makanannya terlebih dulu sebelum dimakan? Melalui buku ini. kamu bisa belajar tentang berbagai jenis hewan pemecah rekor yang unik dan menarik. Ayo. temukan segala sesuatu tentang hewan pemecah …