Kamus Medium Mandarin-Indonesia, Indonesia-Mandarin disusun untuk menjembatani keterbatasan kamus saku dan kompleksitas kamus besar. Kamus ini telah direvisi untuk memenuhi standar HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) level A dan B. Setiap entri kamus memuat aksara tunggal, aksara majemuk, frasa, dan contoh kalimat sebagai panduan bagi pembelajar untuk membentuk kalimat bahasa Mandarin dengan tertib dan…
Its fun to start reading with the troublesome truck!. SIlly situations, repeated vocabullary and brightly coloured picture on every page help childern to confident as they build their reading skills.
Its fun to start reading with the troublesome truck!. SIlly situations, repeated vocabullary and brightly coloured picture on every page help childern to confident as they build their reading skills.
This series twelve well known, age old fables is the perfect resource to use at home or in school.
This series twelve well known, age old fables is the perfect resource to use at home or in school.
This series twelve well known, age old fables is the perfect resource to use at home or in school.