Buku ini merupakan ensiklopedia cerdas untuk anak dalam mengenal berbagai macam Dinosaurus dan Binatang Purba yang pernah ada pada zaman dahulu. Dalam buku ini dilengkapi dengan gambar yang menarik, nama-nama Dinosaurus dan Binatang Purba, dan penjelasan tentang hewan tersebut. Adanya buku ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan anak mengenai berbagai macam Dinosaurus dan Binatang…
Buku ini membahas beagai macam kendaraan yang ada di masing-masing Negara diseluruh dunia. Sangat menarik bukan? Ayo berkeliling dunia, mengenal setiap alat transportasi unik yang ada diseluruh belahan dunia.
Buku ini menyajikan ensiklopedia pengetahuan populer.
Berorientasi pada kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP)
Daftar dan asal usul hantu dari seluruh Nusantara
Great for tackling homework projects and assignments, these reference titles are fun and easy to use. Children can check spellings and expand their vocabulary using the fully illustrated dictionary, access hundreds of facts across a huge variety of subjects with the encyclopedia, and use the picture dictionary to discover new topics and information about core subject areas
A compendium of incredible bizarre facts, stories, interviews and features, this year’s book also offers access to a fully-integrated website featuring astounding clips, and two 8-page pull out gatefold sections, one featuring vampires.
Reality Shock! Is filled with more of the amazing facts, unbelievable stories and extraordinary photography that makes Ripley’s Believe It or Not! so popular. Read all about the amazing things that people all over the world have done- from insane stunts to crazy traditions. Take a closer look at the extraordinary images nature produces, such as mutated animals and amazingly impossible vistas.
For the legions of dedicated Ripley's fans, and anyone else on the planet who loves the unbelievable, the latest annual in our bestselling series is a feast of delights. As well as the jaw-dropping images and strange facts, we present intriguing interviews with some of the astounding individuals who feature in the book, and informative "Ripley's Research" boxes that give the scientific explanat…