Buku ini disusun berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi yang mengintegrasikan materi, pendidikan karakter, dan nilai-nilai kebajikan secara apik. Siswa akan dituntun secara alamiah melalui pendekatan menarik, sehingga proses belajar mengalir secara menyenangkan, melalui fitur Kegiatan Kelompok, Ungkap Persepsi dan Tugas Individu, Khazanah Bahasa, Karakterku, Rangkuman, serta Tes Formatif.
belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of discovery for primary- age children.
The best selling I Woner Why series answers demanding question in an unrivalled child-friendly and information style, guaranted to arouse the reader's curiosity and develop reading skill.
belongs to the pocket words series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
Belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
Belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
Belongs to the pocket wolrds series, books of discovery for primary - age children.
Belongs to the pocket worlds series, books of primary discovery for primary - age children